You reminded me of a friend's poodle, years ago - she had show poodles, and this one large male was a little intense. I don't think he was angry, per se - but he'd have been voted "Most likely to scare a robber off and bite a friend." I think he was an introverted dog that wanted love and attention but went about it in all the wrong ways. I would sit across the room and he'd come over, lay his head on my lap, and just look up at me as if to say "Make it stop. Make the world go away." And I would talk to him, softly, while stroking his ears. He never snapped at me. But if people were coming over for a social event, and all the other dogs were greeting them and jumping for joy, poor Rocky would just look VICIOUS. He ended up being my favorite, once I realized he was anything BUT vicious. Heart sees heart.