We retained that under the OLD, NEW, and NEW NEW terms, Allison.
But “rights” under copyright law (e.g., first digital or electronic rights, first print rights, reprint rights, all rights, movie rights, stage rights, product rights, etc.) are all severable. “Derivative rights” include the right to translate (I’ve always been mad about Google Translate, though in a global Internet, it’s almost a necessity. I wouldn’t want my poetry, though, to be machine translated and published that way — utter garbage — like our recent scrapers at ICHI.PRO.)
You can retain copyright, but if you license away all your rights for free, it’s meaningless in terms of future sales. Honestly, just posting your work anywhere reduces its value immensely, but most of what most of us post here is of limited market value anyway. :) That’s not to say it’s “bad,” by any means — it just may not be something a publisher would buy. Not timely enough, not fully developed, not original enough, too personal, too silly, and yes — sometimes not sufficiently well-written — to have much value to a publisher or screenplay developer. Or maybe it’s just something you need to say RIGHT NOW — and this is your platform. It’s a good platform, especially for your take on current events.