The insurrection was not committed by the smartest people in the room, though it may have been incited, encouraged, and built-up by a few somewhat-more-intelligent people who were more skilled in covering their own asses.
No, it was committed by disaffected (and talentless) cosplayers, gamers, and largely - oh, this is rich - people who DID NOT BOTHER TO VOTE. So, "Stop the Steal"? Of what? If you don't vote, why would you think you get a voice here?
No, smarter insurrectionists would not take SELFIES and video and advertise exactly what they were doing. Smarter insurrectionists would not give Parler (or any other site they planned to organize on) their government-issued photo ID.
Smarter insurrectionists would probably remove all smart devices from their bodies (and vehicles), or smash them and flush them in a chemical toilet. NOT at the site of the insurrection.
But again, these folks aren't bright enough to really understand or care about the privacy issues you raise, or how they really can affect the law abiding citizens - not just criminals and criminal insurrectionists. Why would they? They may talk a good fight, but again, many of them did not bother to vote - yet complain of their votes being stolen?
Much as I like my privacy (and I do understand the risks - in the wrong hands, the loss of what we blithely gave away YEARS ago is tragic), I'm not crying over how easy they've made it for the FBI here.