Such a generous offer, Dr Mehmet Yildiz!
Outside of Medium, I write children’s books, short stories, poetry, technical manuals, and non-fiction articles. If you’ve owned a PC in the past 25 years, you may own, or have owned, one of those manuals, but they were written anonymously so you can never, ever track me down to ask me support questions.You can find some of my currently-available published books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or 4RV Publishing:
Trockle was my first, and I’m still quite fond of the little monster. A Puppy, Not a Guppy, is — I’m sad to say — out of print. A New Leaf for Lyle was a labor of love — created by three friends who had babies (now 24 year olds) at almost the same time, and it’s blurbed by a third “sister by choice” who’d just earned her MLS! (That one is self-published, because publishers usually want to control more than any of us were willing to compromise on!)
You’ll also find a collection of short stories, there, but be warned — those are not suitable bedtime tales for impressionable children. Teens, maybe. Adults, certainly. But please do not frighten the little ones! Not all my monsters are as sweet and kind as Trockle.
I’m enjoying our Slack workspace, immensely — it’s great to hobnob with the hoi polloi (I’m kidding, but you know I could not resist that opening, Timothy Key!) In all seriousness, it’s a great way to “bond” (where’s the @#$%ing acetone?) with fellow writers, and the creative energy is contagious.