Rise up. Speak up, speak out.
Speak truth to power is how the flower children said it, right? But it is the same notion.
Was "Okay, old man" yesteryear's "OK, Boomer"? I don't know. But even as language demonstrates generational differences and shifts in thinking, it shows how much alike we are at different stages of life. The young always fancy themselves to be so different - like butterflies emerging from the cocoon. They invariably become their parents - maybe not with the same accomplishments or flaws, but reflecting so many of the same traits that they are hit with this reality, one day, and express amusement, anger, or dismay.
I wonder if our parents would have said they had a "need to recharge their batteries" when they are "running on empty." (How many other car idioms floated into our language? How many idioms directly relate to the Industrial Revolution?)
Hi, fellow language nerd. ;)