Medium writing IS blogging.
See the entry at
Doesn't matter what you call it - "social journalism," "open platform," "blogging platform" - it's all the same thing. It's all a form of online self-publishing. Huffington Post started out as a "blog." There is nothing inherently "good" or "bad" about blogging; it's all in what you do with the platform, and how much leeway you're allowed.
Blogger (founded by Ev, too) was great. After Google bought it, it became a free-for-all haven for "splogs" (spam blogs) and trolls. Now, it's still that, and it's also a popular platform for novices who don't yet know they'll be judged by the company they keep - and ought to have started out on Medium or WordPress or darned near anything else but Blogspot.
Let's hope Ev can keep the vision (or steer it back on course) for Medium, and that he doesn't just sell it to someone who doesn't care. I think his detractors are wrong, but I also think that when he stops caring about a platform, that's the end of it.