I did not want readers to imagine, for one moment, that I am not "sloped to one side." As I hope I made clear, there comes a point where we are debating core values, not mere politics. Not whether to spend the budget on this bridge, that road, or that aging gas pipeline, but whether certain people are more or less equal than others. I definitely do draw a line, there.
This is why we must have separation of church and state, and why the government must not interfere with people's most personal, private lives - including their reproductive choices. (Beyond it being wrong, it generally shows what hypocrites they truly are, so it might be best for all concerned, really, if they just stopped.)
The government, and society, do have an interest in public health and safety, and ought to promote and assist with those, for the good of all. But they don't need to favor some over others. That's not how it works in the US (certainly not how I think it should work, according to the ideals espoused by some pretty flawed humans in our US Constitution, anyway - and shouldn't we always aspire to live UP TO our ideals?)