I did not think I found CCC (and it was run by Shane Arthur at the time, although Kathleen may well have welcomed us both with her comments) until I was home recovering from cancer surgery (you sure it wasn’t FEBRUARY 3, 2011? I’ll defer to you — if it was when I think it was, I was bored and on drugs. ;) If it was when you say it was — and you may be right! — I was probably a little nervous and looking for good distractions. Hard to believe we’ve been doing CCC for over TEN YEARS!
Oh, yes, Surviving the Blog. I won the @#$% thing. :) I TRIED, WE TRIED, to quit after eliminating everyone on your team (and sorry about that — really). We begged Kiesha to let us stop and donate the prize to charity (I did end up donating most of the cash — if you recall, there was a hurricane in the Philippines shortly after that, and most of it went to relief efforts). I don’t know why, with all of us in agreement, she wouldn’t allow it. Maybe some of the sponsors wouldn’t allow it. It was hard enough eliminating our “competition” but eliminating our own teammates? Still hurts. I didn’t blog much for a long time after that. You think winning is going to bring you pleasure, but God help me — I wish I’d seen even ONE episode of the TV show “Survivor.” I might not have done it at all. Once our request was denied, we’d all agreed, in advance of asking, to go all out for the win. (Because seriously, who would ever want to think their teammates “let them win”?) I won. And almost immediately wished that I hadn’t. I think maybe it broke Kiesha, too — you notice that blog is gone and she’s turned into an organic farmer, right? :)