Member-only story
Humor for Our Time
Haiii — koo (Bless you!)
Short, silly, to the point, served with a dash of hope… not necessarily “traditional”!
No ifs, ands, or butts —
Verdant forests scream;
T.P. hoarders lose their shit.
It’s a game we play:
“Plague, or pollen?” Quarantined?
Cough or sneeze, you lose.
Two birds dead. One stone.
Lawnmower needs repair soon.
Window might be next.
Amy Marley says,
“It’s Alive!” but Frankenbird
Will fly nevermore.
#BoredAtHome. But not.
Don’t let the hashtag fool ya.
Baked a chocolate cake.
Self-taught arts, crafts, like
How to paint with coffee grounds,
While shower-singing.
Writing modern art
Placards-of-pretentiousness —
My mind’s curator.
Cereal box blurbs,
Or cue cards for Vanna White —
Nothing left to write.
Tip: “Write what you know.”
Four blank walls. What do I know?
Ink drips from the pen.
Blue blood. Fingers stained.
Murdered on the pristine page!
Flawed characters, all.
Experience shared —
The whole world in lock-down now.
Dare we hope for peace?