Except that's not always the case - how many think pieces have we had in the past 20 years claiming "blogging is dead"? Despite everyone's best attempts to kill it, over and over in the name of having something meta to say, it's not dead.
But it does take a shake-up to get the complacent to MOVE, once they've settled on a platform. Getting people off Facebook? Impossible. We all hate it, but we stay for our family and friends. It's a trap.
I'm tired, too. Imagine: I first used social media in 1981 (Compuserve "CB Simulator"), started moderating forums in 1989 (on GEnie, and later on NVN and others), and joined Facebook and Twitter over 15 years ago. You think YOU'RE tired?
I join just about everything. No, I take that back. Never, ever joined Parler. See no point in Bluesky. Joined Threads because Meta makes it damnably hard NOT to, and once you check it out, your accounts on their properties are so entangled you can't get out. Whatever.
I wouldn't cry if the Internet imploded tomorrow and disappeared. It won't, because we have allowed essential services (healthcare, banking, and so on) to become so entangled with it that there's no going back.
I'm not sorry that Twitter and Facebook have competitors now! Quite the contrary. I'd like to see them succeed. Not to BECOME them, but to be better than. I'm not optimistic. But that's why I'll keep checking them out and giving them some support.