But you rose to the occasion so admirably, Daniel! And you make an excellent point about “great post” type comments being a dangerous way to show you haven’t really read the post — sometimes it’s just so inappropriate as to be laughable. Imagine a serious post on something like, oh, erectile dysfunction, followed by a comment like, “Great writing. Keep it up!” Or one on the rise of Nazis in America that just says, “Love it!”
No. Just…no.
I also love the encouragement from novice writers to keep on writing — it’s almost always the novices, too, because experienced writers know how impossibly condescending it sounds to write, “Love your writing, keep at it!” As if we’d stop if they paid us to stop. I know they mean well, but still.
At some point, the comment-conversation has to end; it will naturally fizzle. I warn you, now, that I’ve had comment threads go on for over 1000 comments, and each one “meatier” than the last — just ask my friend, Mitch Mitchell. Seriously — click his name, leave a comment on his blog asking him if I’m not the Queen of the Epic Comments, and then ask him why he’s not over here playing on Medium. 50 claps in it for anyone who has read this far, does that, and leaves me a link to their comment over there. ;P