Awww, Hank! Good on you for trying! I hope the cake was sufficient peace offering.
Around here, we have rules:
- Clean up your own damned kitchen mess; and
- He who complains about HOW the job gets done, gets the job!
My husband and I both LIKE to cook, and take turns at it. He's probably the "neat one" of the two of us - which beats all stereotypes, doesn't it? He may also be the more adventurous of the two of us, when it comes to culinary arts. I daresay, he's BETTER at it than I am, but I'm not too shabby.
Keep at it - you'll wear her down, eventually. Especially if you vow to leave the kitchen as neat as you found it. (Hot tip: Clean as you go!)
I'm an introvert, but the block party sounds like a super fun way to get to know the neighbors without having to host them in the house. (Leave-taking is always so awkward; with this, you can just take your Tupperware and go home! I love it.)