AI is Off the Rails

If Bing is My Copilot, We’re All Gonna Die

Holly Jahangiri
7 min readJan 22, 2024


And The Stafford Challenge — a poem a day

Woo hoo!!

I have caught up with The Stafford Challenge after a slow start. It really isn’t that hard to write a poem a day when no one’s claiming it has to be a good one. In fact, I haven’t written any awful ones, yet, I don’t think.

I’m not posting them all here — not until after they’ve had their chance at critique, contests, and publication. But from time to time, I may post one, like this one that was inspired by Kathleen’s return to the Creative Copy Challenge and her first prompt of the New Year:

Hearth and Home
by Holly Jahangiri

We hacked our way through deadfall
Wide-eyed, sober, on the clock
We gather, stack, gather, stack –
Remembering to sharpen the axe
To choose the branches best for burning
Home, once. Honor the owl,
The pine beetle. They only want
The warmth of firewood.
The warmth of home.

©️ 2024 Holly Jahangiri

Misattribution by Bing Chat / Copilot AI

